Further Microsoft Patents: Is the Windows Phone back on?

I have mentioned a couple of times thatĀ  keeping an eye on patent applications filed by Microsoft can give you a glimpse of things to come. Much like the surface book series was preempted by the key technologies patented, there is now more patent applications for the much debatedĀ  Microsoft mobile terminal (sometimes referred to by the internal (?) project name Courier). A good summery in Arsthecnica, showing more and more of the expected device.

Microsoft Eye Control for Windows 10

A challenge raised to Microsoft first Hackathon from Steve Gleason (Ex NFL Player with ALS) to find a solution for ALS sufferers to access and use computers, in particular in the advanced stages of ALS where eye control is the only bodily function still under the patients control. A hack team under the moniker “Ability Eye Gaze” took on the challenge and ended up demoing a fully functional wheelchair completely managed by your eyes.
Satya Nadella announced the project as the winner of the 2014 Hackathon. When the core windows team looked closer at the design an team was assigned to look at the feasibility of implementing it in Windows as a standard feature.
At the start of this years Hackathon Satya announced that the solution has been integrated into Windows 10 as “Eye Control” and is targeted for release in this years Fall Update. Requires fairly specialized HW to work, but has a lot of potential. Combine this with voice control, and we are one step closer to dumping our Keyboards snf Mouses.

Is a new generation of SurfaceBook’s around the corner?

Paul Thurrott (a long term trust able source on what goes on inside Microsoft) posted an update yesterday noting that the 1TB SurfaceBook has for a long time been unavailable and is now gone from the Microsoft Store. He observes that this is a typical Microsoft move before a major upgrade, and is quoting the existing rumors that a new line will be introduced in October. As the second generation was mainly an CPU / RAM / HD upgrade, can Microsoft again surprise us with their continued overtures in the HW space?